My little pony. All songs Season 1+2 (Russian version) [1080p]

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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright by Hasbro
translated and voiced Karusel Карусель
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic c Hasbro Studios. Songs c Daniel Ingram and William Anderson.
0:05 - Main
0:40 - Giggle at the Ghosty
1:57 - Pinkie`s Gala Fantasy Song
2:49 - The Ticket song
3:10 - Junior Speedster Chant
3:20 - Hop Skip and Jump song
3:35 - Evil Enchantress song Pinkie Pie
3:54 - Evil Enchantress song Fluttershy
4:16 - Winter Wrap up
7:35 - Cupcake
8:00 - Art of the Dress
12:07 - Hush Now Lullaby Fluttershy
12:20 - Hush Now Lullaby Sweetie Belle
12:51 - Cutie Mark Crusaders Song
15:17 - You Got to Share, You got to Care
16:33 - So Many Wonders
17:35 - Singing Telegram
18:15 - At the Gala
21:32 - I`m at the Grand Galloping Gala
22:04 - Pony Pokey
23:27 - Find a pet
27:07 - Becoming popular
28:57 - A circle of Friends
29:45 - The Flim Flam Brothers Song
33:30 - The Perfect Stallion
35:00 - Smile Smile Smile
38:23 - Doodle Donkey
38:33 - Welcome Song
39:00 - Cranky Doodle Joy
39:19 - Sunshine, Sunshine
39:44 - B.B.B.F.F
41:17 - B.B.B.F.F Reprise
41:42 - This Day Aria
43:52 - This Day Aria Reprise
44:19 - Love is Bloom - с отменным качеством и звучанием!

Теги: little, pony, all, songs, season, russian
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