Top 100 Anime Openings (V1)

Впервые в сети! Read the description first. Chances are I've answered your question there.

First off, I use the "1 opening per franchise rule". Otherwise it just wouldn't be fair as you'd be seeing a lot of Naruto and Bleach on here, and that would be boring. There are no exceptions, except in the case of a tie, which does not happen often.

Another thing is that this is my list, and not yours. If an opening you like is not on this list, I either -
- Haven't seen it
- Didn't like it as much as the 100 on here
- Didn't like it at all
- Or it belongs to a franchise already on this list, and the opening I listed was better

I like varying opinions, so if you disagree with some of my choices, feel free to make your own list as a video response to my own.

Nothing here belongs to me, and belongs only to their respective creators and all that jazz. - с отменным качеством и звучанием!

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